
I've been on a muffin kick lately ... can't tell you why. Prior to going GDSYWP free, I never was a muffin person. They were just okay to me and I don't like sweet stuff in the morning, so I just never really ate them. So, why now? I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's mostly because I can have something sweet after lunch or dinner that is pre-portioned for me, and they're easy to share.

Through a Yahoo Group that I joined recently,The Gluten Free Recipe Swap (started by fellow GF blogger, Ginger Lemon Girl), I discovered this website, GFCF Cookbook. From their website, I have tried 2 muffins, their Banana Muffins and their Pumpkin Muffins, but they have several different types listed there. I used Bette Hagmans Four Bean Flour Blend (from her book, The Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes Bread that I borrowed from my library!) for the flour mix. Let me tell you, boy oh boy are they yummy. Several of my gluten-eating friends and family have tried them and liked them - no complaints!

If you're a muffin lover - or not, like me! - you must head over to GFCF Cookbook
, go to their breakfast section and give one of them a try!




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