When I found out about my GDSYWP intolerances back in February, I felt so alone. I didn't know anyone with so many intolerances and when I searched specialty food stores for foods that I could have, they only provided a few products.
So, naturally, I turned to the internet. I researched the intolerances , looked for recipes, and joined support groups. It made living with these intolerances bearable. And, now, 8 months in, I have discovered a new source of information - the Library!
I don't know why this didn't occur to me before now. I guess because I haven't stepped into a library since college? This has been such a huge help for me. With my multiple intolerances, it makes it difficult for me to just purchase any food intolerance cookbook. If I find a GF one, will it have YF breads for me? Will it have any DF recipes? What about a DF cookbook, will there be any SF alternatives? You get the drift ...
I am so happy to go to the library and see that my local library had several options for me - and there are several others floating around the library system that I can have sent to my local branch. It is so relieving to have a way to look through, read, and try some of these recipes before purchasing them. The ones that I checked out are:
The Gluten Free Gourmet by Bette Hagman
The Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes Bread by Bette Hagman
Totally Dairy-Free Cooking by Louie Lanza
Living Gluten Free For Dummies by Danna Korn
Celiac Disease: A Guide to Living with Gluten Intolerance by Sylvia Llewelyn Bower, Mary Kay Sharrett & Steve Plogsted
As I read through them some more and try their recipes, I will report back with my "official review"! Stay tuned! :D
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What a great idea! I agree with your wonder that I/you never thought of this. I just checked my local library and they have all of the books I had been thinking about buying on Amazon. What a nice way to preview them!
Oh, I'm SO glad that I'm not alone, Lovesgarlic (I also LOVE garlic, bytheway!). I felt so silly when the idea finally hit me. Why hadn't I thought of that sooner? lol ... I'm glad to inspire someone else to head on down to their local library! :D
I'm so glad you discovered your library's collection! I travel 40 minutes with my boys to Eugene's library because it is awesome, has an online catalog, and also has several GF cookbooks. I have a few on hold right now! It really is a great way to preview cookbooks. I was all for buying a couple until I checked them out and they just weren't what I thought they were.
Happy reading and cooking!
You are so right! I was totally going to buy a few of them until I read them. I feel so lucky to have such a good selection at my library. Some of them were just not right for my needs.
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