Even before going GDSYWP free, Kitchen Basics was my favorite stock brand. Now, knowing what I do about ingredients and the useless stuff companies add to their processed foods, I love this stuff even more! It is not only a constant in my kitchen, but a MUST. It is not unusual for me to buy 2-3 of these at a time. My favorite is the chicken stock (mostly for its versatility), but the others are tasty, too. If I can't find this brand, I go without, that's just how awesome it is!
On their website, as of today, Kitchen Basics says that their "formula contains NO *milk, *eggs, *peanuts,*glutens (wheat, oats, rye, barley), soy, tree nuts, fish, shellfish or corn. We test for cross contamination of peanuts, milk, eggs & glutens at 5 parts per million in all production runs."
Woo hoo ... just plain 'ole delicious stock here, naturally GDSYWP free! This will continue to be a MUST in my kitchen!
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