With a GDSYWP-free diet, the idea of "fast food" or "convenient food" really goes out the window. There are very few places at which I can get a safe meal. So, I generally try to always have leftovers to take for lunch, to take with me when I'm going over to someones house, or just to have on hand for any other surprise situation.
There are several products that are "constants" in my kitchen. I try to always keep in the house just in case I don't have any leftovers in the fridge to eat. Today I am going to share 2 with you.
One is PJ's Chicken Tamale Meal frozen entrée.All I can say is Yum, Yum, YUM!
I just LOVE this meal, which is saying a lot considering that I am not a huge fan of tamales. I mean, they're okay, but the ones I've had usually have a TON of cornmeal, just a bit of meat and the meat is usually really dry or spicy. But not this one! It's just so good! The meat is not too spicy, is nice and moist and the tamale has a nice meat to cornmeal ratio.
The only bad thing I have to say is that there are A LOT of beans with this meal. I usually don't finish them all. I wish that they had some Spanish rice with the beans or 2 tamales and less beans, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right? The flavor is great, the size is decent, and it's GDSYWP free! :D
Another item I like to have on hand (and what I usually eat with the wonderful Chicken Tamale Meal) is a wonderfully dairy free Creamy Tomato Soup by Imagine.This soup is AMAZING. It is GDSYWP free but it is so creamy! I just LOVE it!
RUN, don't walk, to your nearest health food store to find these 2 products! It is SO worth it!
This entry was posted on 11:38 AM and is filed under Constants , Gluten-Free , Lunch , Pork-Free , Product Review , Soup , Soy-Free , Walnut-Free , Yeast-Free . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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