Quote Tuesdays

"Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but of inevitable problems that call for strength, determination, and hard work” ~Indian Proverb

I think this quote is especially appropriate for my anniversary week.

With a lot of strength, determination and hard work, I was able to make it a whole year GDSYWP-free. Well, that and the support of my darling Hubby!

I think, for me, when it started getting really hard, I just had to make the choice. I had to decide that I would make a major change in my life. I was determined to live my life and not feel pain or be sick all the time. I had to commit to being GDSYWP-free. I had to stick with it because I knew, deep down, regardless of what other people said, that I am better without all those things.

Now, more than ever, I am determined to live each day, one day at a time, eating safely and taking care of my body.




The opinions and thoughts expressed here are purely my own and are not coerced, swayed or influenced by a company, organization or other person. The information contained here is to the best of my knowledge at the date posted. I am NOT an expert and am NOT responsible for anything that you do with this information. Please do your own research, seek out professionals and read all ingredients yourself in order to ensure that the choices you make are right for your lifestyle.

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