Vanilla K-Toos

When am I going to learn that store-bought safe cookies just don't do it for me?

For me, store-bought GDSYWP-free cookies are too hard/crumbly, way expensive and the flavors are usually not quite right.

Well, the other day, I spotted these at my local Roots grocery store and thought I'd give them a try. Ugh. Big mistake.

When I bit into these, all I could think about was caulk. Caulky in texture and I've never tasted actual caulk, but I imagine it tasting something like this as well. Ick. Yuck. Bleh.

If you're reading this and really like these vanilla K-Toos, I'm sorry to offend, but I think these might be the worst GDSYWP cookies I've ever tasted.

No wonder people think this diet is awful and tasteless ...

Instead, try making these cookies. They are SO worth the extra effort to make some cookies versus buying them.




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