Quote Tuesdays

"How can a society that exists on instant mashed potatoes, packaged cake mixes, frozen dinners, and instant cameras teach patience to its young?" ~Paul Sweeney

This quote made me laugh out loud! When I first went GDSYWP-free and explained to my family that I would have to make EVERYTHING from scratch, they all went completely silent! They just couldn't believe it or imagine it. Everything these days is all about instant gratification, but that's just not feasible with this kind of lifestyle. I make all my food from scratch - meals, breads, desserts, everything. It does take a lot more patience, time and energy, but having safe food for my body is so worth it. I've never considered myself a patient person, but I am learning. When I eventually have children, I know that they will grow on real food, will be educated about what goes into their bodies and will learn the value of patience!



Heather said...

My Mother actually suggested that I cook all meals from scratch twice. One for me and a second "normal" meal for the kids. Um, no.


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