Quote Tuesdays

"Courage does not always come with a roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says 'I will try again tomorrow.' " ~Unknown

This quote really struck me. It is so true in so many ways and for some many reasons.

When I first started this diet, I made a few mistakes, but rather than throwing in the towel, I just said, okay, it was an infraction, but I will try again tomorrow. It worked and I'm now 100% GDSYWP-free and it feels good.

Now, I'm trying to summon the courage to be more active. I want to exercise regularly for both a bit of weight loss and for over-all health. I've never been one much for exercise so it will take a bit of diligence on my part, and some support from my friends and my Hubby! Even if I miss a day or don't do as much as I had planned/hoped, I will not give up but instead remember to try again tomorrow!




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