Almond Banana Smoothie

I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately everyone.  Things are really taking off with the move and there are just loose ends everywhere that need finishing.  It's a hectic mess right now but by this time next months, things should be a lot more settled.   :)

In the mean time, I have a nice treat for you!  For these upcoming hot summer months, this is a refreshing and quick drink and it has become a recent favorite of mine.  I make it all the time - breakfast, dessert, snack, you name it! 

Almond Banana Smoothie
from Clara Ogren, Six Food Intolerance Living

1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 ripe banana
2-3 drops liquid stevia (adjust based on the ripeness/sweetness of your banana)
2 drops almond extract
sprinkle of cinnamon
ice cubes
Optional: spoonful of flax meal, protein powder or chia seeds

Pour all ingredients into a blender (I have a Vitamix) and blend on high just until ice and banana are completely incorporated.

Pour in a glass and serve.




Becks said...

Making this today! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that sounds (and looks) delicious! thanks for sharing! i'm glad i found your blog!


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