Quote Tuesdays

"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good." ~Alice May Broc

I don't know about you, but when I read that quote, I laughed out loud! In my house, garlic is a requirement in all savory dishes ... almost always accompanied by onions. Hubby often makes fun of me about it. I use minced garlic, granulated garlic, dried garlic, roasted garlic ... garlic anyway I can get it! In soup, stir-fry, casseroles, on veggies, meat, pasta ... garlic anywhere I can use it! In fact, there is only one non-sweet thing that I can think of that I don't like with garlic - Guacamole! I know that it is often sprinkled in there and something about the rich, creamy avocado just does not go with the savory, deep garlic flavor for me.

I remember having a conversation recently with my friend Carrie, aka Ginger Lemon Girl. She named herself that because those were 2 of her favorite flavors. I told her that if I were to do the same, I would have to name myself Garlic Onion Girl ... lol ... which doesn't have quite the same ring!

So ... garlic - love it, hate it? What's your favorite garlicy dish?




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